About CassieMakesArt

Hi! I'm Cassie, the solopreneur behind CassieMakesArt and the Keeping Myself Alive Podcast! CassieMakesArt is a brand I created that offers original stickers, prints, and gifts for weirdos! I launched my brand on Nov. 13, 2021 on Etsy; back then, I was using the moniker "Planning with Cass" because my main focus was planner stickers. I had NO idea what I was doing and I was scared, but I just went for it! I got eight orders on launch day, which was a feeling I can't describe. I was shocked that anyone wanted to buy my art. I sold 29 items total on launch day, and 29 is my lucky number; off to a great start!

Over the past three years, my brand has changed a lot! Once I finally got over my imposter syndrome, I decided to embrace calling myself an artist; this is why I chose the name CassieMakesArt - it was almost an affirmation to myself.

So...why did I decide to launch a brand and create and sell my own products? I'll be honest with you; I never, ever saw this for myself! When I made my first sticker in early 2021, something clicked in my brain; a little voice told me that this was going to become my life now. I have loved stickers my entire life and I couldn't believe that I was able to make my own at home, all thanks to my mom getting me a Cricut Explore Air 2 for Christmas. Thanks, Mama!

I have been interested in art ever since I was very little; I always loved art class and making art, but I never felt like I was good at it. I drew SpongeBob characters and played around with paint, but that was the extent of it. As I got older I discovered I had an interest in writing, graphic design, and photography, so I practiced these things in high school and went on to major in communications in college. After working in marketing & public relations for over a decade, I knew that my calling was being an artist, shop owner, & content creator. I still work a day job, but I will never give up on my dream of doing this full time.

For the past three years, I have been working feverishly to grow my brand and my skills. I've had some setbacks, mainly due to my struggles with my mental health, but I refuse to give up. A huge shoutout to my biggest supporters - my husband, my parents, my closest friends, my Patreon family, my podcast listeners, and of course, my customers! Thank you for believing in me when I haven't always believed in myself.